About Us
For more than 45 years, it’s been our mission to connect children and families with services that will help them to thrive.
Giving every child the foundation for a safe, healthy childhood is our top priority.
EveryChild, formerly known as the Child Abuse Council, is a bi-state, regional nonprofit agency that provides child abuse prevention, education, and treatment programs for children and families.
You see, what happens before kindergarten matters. Zero to five is a critical period for children’s development. That’s why we focus on the earliest years in a child’s life to ensure a strong start for a healthy future. When you engage with our organization, you gain access to a wealth of resources, from educational programs and our connections in the community to our expert staff and people who can simply listen. Sharing what we know about how to give kids safe, healthy childhoods and improve lives in the long term is our passion.
We provide effective, holistic services by approaching child abuse prevention utilizing a public health model through three distinct paradigms:
Universal Prevention
through which the entire community is provided with education and support necessary for building nurturing families
Secondary Prevention
through which families are engaged with targeted, specialized support to keep children safe
Tertiary Prevention
through which children and families are provided with resources essential to healing from trauma, while teaming with skilled professionals to prevent recurrent abuse and neglect.

We’ll help you find what you need to be a confident parent.
Our mission
EveryChild leads community efforts to eliminate child abuse and neglect by strengthening children and families through treatment, education and prevention.
All children in our community will be raised in a safe, nurturing family environment.
Children and families have the right to live without violence or neglect.
Child abuse affects everyone.
All children and families deserve to be valued and treated with dignity, respect and love.
All members of the community share responsibility for our children.
Parenting skills are learned.
All families can benefit from assistance and support.
All families have strengths and abilities.
A safe and nurturing home.
A secure parent-child relationship.
An environment supporting successful growth and development.
We value each person and treat everyone with dignity and respect.
We value professionalism—we conduct business as a team.
We value encouragement and affirmation of each other’s strengths and abilities.
We value the fact that we, as individuals and members of the organization, conduct ourselves with the highest ethical standards.